Congratulations on your new little one! Children are certainly a blessing from God, and we thank you for your openness to this new little blessing. We thank you, also, for choosing to have your child baptized at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church.
The Sacrament of Baptism is one of three sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church – the others are Eucharist and Confirmation. Although every sacrament offers us the opportunity to encounter God in a profound way, Baptism holds a special place in the Church, for Baptism is the door that leads to every other sacrament. In Baptism, your child will be claimed for Christ and will become a member of the Body of Christ, the Church.
We know you look forward to bringing your child for Baptism, and we know that the Church eagerly awaits a new member. Before we proceed, however, there are a few things to be addressed. Please see below the necessary forms that need to be filled out: NOTE* Please use FULL given names for all
All forms can be returned to the Office Administrator, Staci Gelpi, via hard copy in the church office or email. Once the forms are submitted, Staci will contact you to arrange a time for the Baptism. If you have any questions, Staci can be contacted at or (504) 887-5535
If this is your first child, a priest or deacon will contact you for a meeting in your home to prepare for the Baptism.
Again, thank you for choosing to have your child baptized at St. Philip Neri.
Click here for the Baptismal Information Form NOTE: If wanting to fillout the document as a PDF, please download and save the document before completing the necessary information.
Pope Francis on Baptism
“Many of us have no memory of the celebration of this Sacrament, and it is obvious why, if we were baptized soon after birth. I have asked this question two or three times already, here, in this square: who among you knows the date of your Baptism, raise your hands. It is important to know the day on which I was immersed in that current of Jesus' salvation. And I will allow myself to give you some advice... but, more than advice, a task for today. Today, at home, go look, ask about the date of your Baptism and that way you will keep in mind that most beautiful day of Baptism. To know the date of our Baptism is to know a blessed day. The danger of not knowing is that we can lose awareness of what the Lord has done in us, the memory of the gift we have received. Thus, we end up considering it only as an event that took place in the past – and not by our own will but by that of our parents – and that it has no impact on the present. We must reawaken the memory of our Baptism. We are called to live out our Baptism every day as the present reality of our lives…And do not forget your homework today: find out, ask for the date of your Baptism. As I know my birthday, I should know my Baptism day, because it is a feast day”
Pope Francis, January 8, 2014, Wednesday Audience