Jason Angelette presents:
Finding Joy and Peace in Family Life
Jason Angelette is an incredibly dynamic speaker with an extremely powerful testimony. He has lived the joys and sorrows of marriage and family life and we are so blessed to have him with us to share his wisdom and his gifts!! What we want our families to know more than anything is this: “YOU ARE SO GOOD! Jesus loves you and He sees your struggles and the ways in which you so long to improve. It’s ok! Do not be afraid! Keep striving!” These three nights are meant to help families understand the goodness of family life and offer them practical tips on how to maximize the joy and peace that God desires for them. Please join us for all three nights!!
Night One: Drawing Closer through Prayer
Have you ever desired your family to be closer? Closer to your spouse? Closer to your children and as a family? In this first night, Jason walks us through some of the pitfalls and obstacles to family bonding and teaches families some very practical tips about the most powerful form of family bonding: Prayer!
Night Two: Forgiveness and Sacrifice
There can be no peace without forgiveness and no true joy without sacrifice. So often it is tempting to hold grudges and resentment and selfishness is a constant battle. Jason shares his own journey of coming to understand the essential role of forgiveness and sacrifice in marriage and family life. He will offer families some very practical advice on how to practice forgiveness and sacrifice well!
Night Three: ADORE NIGHT - The Eucharist = Source and Summit of Family Life.
Jesus Christ is the answer to our deep desire for joy and peace in our family. In the Eucharist, He fills us and unites us in His Love. In this final night, Jason will talk about the power of the Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration to transform and unite families. John Finch will join us again to lead us in worship as Adoration will begin after Jason’s talk. This final night will be a night for us all to be together as a family, worshiping Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. WE WILL HAVE ADDITIONAL PRIESTS TO OFFER THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION THEOUGHOUT THE NIGHT!!