For information regarding any of these ministries, please call the church office at 887-5535
This ministry is available to assist and encourage persons with disabilities to fully participate in all aspects of the Church. It advises this population regarding services available to them, as well as advising about emergency situations that arise. Persons needing assistance are referred to appropriate agencies.
The Ladies’ Co-Op Club is a service and social organization for the women of St. Philip Neri parish. The Ladies Co-op sponsors numerous service projects such as food and coat drives as well as fundraisers which provide the necessary funds for St. Philip Neri School and church. The monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month during the school year. Each meeting discusses upcoming events and also includes dinner and social activities.
More information coming soon
More information coming soon.
This Annual parish get-together, held on Friday and all day Saturday in October, features numerous food and game booths for parishioners and visitors of all ages. There is musical entertainment, great food and drinks, and a prize drawing to cap off Saturday night. This is the parish’s biggest fundraiser, but the promotion of parish community and unity has always been its primary objective. Numerous parishioners participate in the planning, booth preparation and staffing, accounting, and clean-up, but more and continuing assistance to stage this important function is always necessary.
The Men’s Club is open to all men of our Parish. Our club meets on the 1st Thursday night of every month from September through May. The meetings typically consist of three components: the business portion, a guest speaker, and the meal. Past speakers have included our school principal, Dr. Carol Stack, our former pastor, Fr. Saloy, government officials including Sheriff Newell Normand and Ken Hollis, and media/sports personalities such as Buddy Stahl, Jim Henderson, Kenny Wilkerson, Ed Daniels, Ike’s Caravan and others as well as the Lombardi Trophy.
The club assists with small jobs to maintain the Church and School facilities throughout the year. It plays a vital role in the execution of the Parish’s major fund-raisers such as May Fair, Oktoberfest, Fish Fry and Crawfish Cook-off. Other activities include the golf tourney dedicated to the Msgr. Kenney scholarship fund, and a fishing rodeo. The club also assist with the very successful Summer Cabbage Ball League.
Dues for the entire year are only $50.00 ($40 if paid by the first meeting). This entitles members to delicious meals and refreshments during the meetings, as well as the priceless opportunity to make new friends and enhance existing friendships.
This group seeks to bring greater awareness to parishioners about the sanctity of all human life. They do so by PRAYING individually and with others for the restoration of respect for all human life from conception to natural death. With the assistance of the pastor and deacons, the group attempts to EDUCATE within the Parish on the key life issues of abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. This organization brings attention to the unfortunate abortion-related decisions of the Supreme Court and of the consequent need to restore legal protection for the unborn through protective legislation at both the state and national level. This ministry ACTS to encourage such legislation and to encourage the election of Pro-Life candidates. Every other year, this ministry sponsors a 9 month long Spiritual Adoption Program that provides information monthly on the growth of the unborn baby, encourages prayers for the unborn children and their mothers, and culminates with a “baby shower” at which gifts are collected and later distributed to women and infants in need by the Access Program of the Archdiocese.
This committee was set up to contact newly registered parishioners and offer them information about the parish and any activities/ministries they may have need of or interest in. This group anticipates re-invigoration and expansion in the near future.
This ministry was initiated to provide social interactions and activities for the parishioners over 50 years of age. Activities include luncheons at local restaurants, short trips to various locations, and bingo games and refreshments in the Parish Meeting Rooms. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month. Many of the activities take place on the third Thursday of the month.