For information regarding any of these ministries, please call the church office at 887-5535
Adoration is an opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the True Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Every Thursday, after the 9:00 A.M. Mass and continuing until 6:00 P.M., the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar at St. Philip Neri so that parishioners may individually worship and pray. Because of Church law for Exposition of the Eucharist, a certain number of persons are needed to be present for each hour of the Exposition. Accordingly, committed volunteers are needed to sign up for one hour each week. Those who are unable to make a weekly commitment are encouraged to sign up for the alternate’s list. However, any and all parishioners are welcome to come and spend quiet time in prayer and adoration.
This choir sings for the weekly 11:00 Sunday Mass, as well as special events throughout the year. We blend both musically and socially during the weekly rehearsals. Any person interested in music is encouraged to audition for our Choir. Practices are held every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. in the St. Philip Neri Church.
Any boy or girl, from 3rd grade and higher, can become an altar server. They will be trained to serve at the altar for Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. Some servers remain active even into high school.
This group is gathered from the parish population and those accepted are required to undergo training and instruction. They distribute Communion at the Masses celebrated each weekend, at daily Masses, at Holy Days of Obligations, and at special occasions. At designated Masses, they distribute Communion under both Species. Because of the special function of this ministry, there are some restrictions to service. A potential member should be at least 21 years of age, and a practicing Catholic registered in the Parish. If married, one should have been married in conformity with Church law. A Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion is also requested to limit oneself to only this liturgical ministry.
Ministers to help distribute Holy Communion. Particular needs are for the 4:00 p.m. Sat. , the 6:00 p.m. Sun. Mass each week. Think about it; What a great honor.
Lectors proclaim the Holy Scriptures during the Mass celebration and offer the intentions in the Prayers of the Faithful. Usually, a lector serves only one Sunday per month. Some lectors volunteer for service at the daily Masses.
This group brings Holy Communion to those parishioners who are homebound due to illness or accident, and thus not able to fully participate in the celebration of the Mass. Members of this ministry visit with and pray with those parishioners during their confinement, whether the physical restriction is temporary or long-term. This important ministry serves to keep the homebound parishioner close to his/her spiritual roots and Catholic faith. To receive this service, all that is needed is a phone call to the rectory.
The Ministers of Hospitality are needed at each Mass to greet Parishioners, help in finding seats, collect the Offerings, and direct the flow of the congregation during distribution of the Holy Eucharist. They lend general assistance during and after the Mass as needed and make the Church ready for the next event. They may also be called upon occasionally to assist the congregation at special liturgical functions in the Church.